Thanking God for You: Dialogue as a Form of Healing in A Course in Miracles

I. Love and Fear A Course in Miracles says something interesting: it says that Love is beyond what can be taught (T-in.1:6). This means that we already know all that we need to know about Love. It means we already know all that one can know about Love. It also means that the usual meansContinue reading “Thanking God for You: Dialogue as a Form of Healing in A Course in Miracles”

Make Me One with Everything (is a Math Problem)

Say that I visit a psychotherapist. I have some choices. I can visit a Jungian or a Freudian or a Lacanian or a specialist in CBT or EMDR or Gendlin’s Focusing. In each case, the therapist will use a specialized language and practice to help me sort through whatever problem I am trying to solve.Continue reading “Make Me One with Everything (is a Math Problem)”