Advent Travels: Hidden by Storm Clouds

I like this story. Abba Lot went to see Abba Joseph.He said, “Abba Joseph,as far as I can say,I do my little office,and I read my psalms.I fast a little and prayand meditate.I live in peace with others and,as far as possible,I purify my thoughts.Tell me, Father, what else –what more – can I do?”Continue reading “Advent Travels: Hidden by Storm Clouds”

Called Home to the Holy Instant

Often I am outside before dawn. Light changes; the world wakes up. Chickens and horses, neighbors walking dogs, the traffic on Route Nine going east. When we are still and quiet, the world wakes up inside us. Thought slows and the mind extends far beyond the body, discovering it is already one with the horses,Continue reading “Called Home to the Holy Instant”