How does one live an understanding? Let’s say that to understand something means that we a) are familiar with it, b) are confident in our familiarity and c) are able to extend, or contextualize, that familiarity into other domains. On this view, understanding is basically relational, and affords an overview, or meta-perception, of those elementsContinue reading “Living Understanding”
Category Archives: Coherence
Religion and the End of Conflict
Religion (broadly defined so as to include spiritual practices like A Course in Miracles) can be a helpful way to work through the difficulties that attend our living, which is to say, to learn how to better bring forth love in our living with others who could be our own self. But it is onlyContinue reading “Religion and the End of Conflict”
When Our Teacher is Love
Love doesn’t talk about itself. It doesn’t brag or boast or chide. It just moves us a little, here and there. We get a sense that something is off and with it a sense of what would be corrective. That’s love, as I am using the word “love.” It’s natural; it’s inherent. We don’t haveContinue reading “When Our Teacher is Love”
On How and Why Questions, Cosmic Solipsism, and Emily Dickinson
I have been reflecting for the past week or so on the difference between asking why and asking how, especially as the distinction relates to our various beliefs, especially those we might label “spiritual.” What are the effects of asking one question rather than another? Over the past twenty years or so, I have becomeContinue reading “On How and Why Questions, Cosmic Solipsism, and Emily Dickinson”
There is Always a Loving Context
There is always a context that is loving. Whatever is happening can be both perceived and understood in terms of love. The work of being human is to clarify our perception and understanding in order to bring forth that love, which inures to our collective benefit. The living that we do often involves pain: weContinue reading “There is Always a Loving Context”
Love is the Law and the Prophets
I give you a new commandment: you shall love one another in the way that I have loved you. (John 13:34). Love is the way we remember love. This is the law and the prophets. These words of Jesus are clearly a call to action. They are a call to a radical way of livingContinue reading “Love is the Law and the Prophets”