I. Introduction Last month, when it seemed like winter would never come, somebody asked me to clarify an earlier reference to prayer, and I began writing instantly and intensely. But I didn’t answer their question. I didn’t even try. Sometimes it’s like that. The Holy Spirit gives you an assignment and you respond with allContinue reading “Notes on Prayer”
Category Archives: Dialogue
Advent Travels: Church Goes with You
What is clear at 4 a.m. is less so as the day goes on. It rained last night; I sat in the darkness and listened. Christmas is coming, plans are being made. I’m tired and I want to rest. In Advent, in prayer, a lot opens up and a lot slips away. I remember ElangoContinue reading “Advent Travels: Church Goes with You”
Advent Travels: The World as Eden
In Advent, no warning, the writing become disuptive. I forget that we are not in this together, and that my understanding of the illusion of separate interests cannot by force overcome that illusion in another. Why is this so hard? Over the weekend I read Jane Yolen’s YA history of the Shakers. I have lovedContinue reading “Advent Travels: The World as Eden”
Advent Travels: Happy Servants All Evening
What do I have to give to Jesus? What does Jesus want? Or are those the wrong questions? An Advent journey ends at the manger in Bethlehem, with a gift for Jesus. But what if it doesn’t? What if, halfway to Bethlehem, one of the wise men falls in love and bails on the journey?Continue reading “Advent Travels: Happy Servants All Evening”
Advent Travels: Running Away
It is relatively easy for me to talk about the birth of Jesus as a mythological event that you and I can actually experience. My brief but intense study of James Hillman – especially The Thought of the Heart – prepared me well. It was Hillman who taught me that: “the thought of the heartContinue reading “Advent Travels: Running Away”
Personal Statement re: ACIM
I began to study A Course in Miracles at the end of a long spiritual drought. I had walked away from the Catholic church forever, ending a decades-long relationship that had shaped and guided all my fundamental belief systems. It was a big deal. I’d known about the Course – had flirted with it aContinue reading “Personal Statement re: ACIM”