Make Me One with Everything (is a Math Problem)

Say that I visit a psychotherapist. I have some choices. I can visit a Jungian or a Freudian or a Lacanian or a specialist in CBT or EMDR or Gendlin’s Focusing. In each case, the therapist will use a specialized language and practice to help me sort through whatever problem I am trying to solve.Continue reading “Make Me One with Everything (is a Math Problem)”

Lenten Writing: Love is our Praxis

In “Autopoiesis, life, mind and cognition: Bases for a proper naturalistic continuity” Villalobos suggests that “the autopoietic aphorism ‘to live is to know’ . . . means that cognition, in its most basic and embracing sense, corresponds to the praxis of living.” I put the essay down – I am reading and writing and cookingContinue reading “Lenten Writing: Love is our Praxis”