Love in a Reflexive Domain

In a reflexive domain, the actors can and do act on both themselves and on the domain. In a reflexive domain, the domain is responsive. So living in a reflexive domain means that living is fundamentally relational. Our selves are a reflexive domain; our relationships are a reflexive domain; our communities are a reflexive domain;Continue reading “Love in a Reflexive Domain”

The Play Our Loving Longs to Behold

To love is to play. To long for the other is to long to be in communication. Play in communication is the play our love for one another longs to bring forth. Truly we are love. One could argue that this post reflects a category mistake: that is, it assigns qualities to something that shouldContinue reading “The Play Our Loving Longs to Behold”

Living in Language (Or, Make Apple Crisp, not Apple Crisis)

We live in language. More specifically, we live a self and a world in language. Our spirituality as such does not exist prior to the words we use to bring it about. Hence, giving attention to language is almost always a creative and healing gesture. In an earlier post I wrote the following: The nondualityContinue reading “Living in Language (Or, Make Apple Crisp, not Apple Crisis)”

Relationship: Our Shared Gaze at God

Perhaps another aspect of relationship that bears considering is its direction. That is, one way to be in relationship with another is to look at them – I am here looking at you over there. But another way is to look together is to face the same direction together, where that direction is love. Often,Continue reading “Relationship: Our Shared Gaze at God”