0 In a dream last night, we reached Bethlehem. There were pilgrims everywhere. Do you know which Inn? Are we too late? Some of us had gifts, some of us were hoping to get a gift. The vibe was happy mostly, mostly festive. It was chaotic but in a family reunion kind of way. EverybodyContinue reading “Advent Travels: Out of Bethlehem and Into the Desert”
Category Archives: Separation
Advent Travels: Waiting for Her
0 Today is winter solstice. In my little town we’ll have daylight just over nine hours. This summer it was closer to fifteen. Now, going forward, instead of darkening, the world becomes a little lighter and warmer. Things will grow differently; they will create differently. More of my ancestors celebrated solstice than Christmas. But whenContinue reading “Advent Travels: Waiting for Her”
Advent Travels: Relationship All the Way Down
Nancy reminded me when I mentioned this Advent writing project that whenever two or more gather in Jesus’s name, Jesus is with them. Historically, this is understood in ecclesial terms. We gather in and as a church which both keeps Jesus and makes him accessible (on terms and contions it sets as Jesus’s keeper). ButContinue reading “Advent Travels: Relationship All the Way Down”
Searching for God Correctly
A Course in Miracles teaches us that our lonely journey in search of God will fail because it excludes that which it would find (T-14.X.10:7). It is impossible to remember God in secret and alone. For remembering Him means you are not alone, and are willing to remember it (T-14.X.10:1-2). The search for God hasContinue reading “Searching for God Correctly”
Beyond the Specialness of Jesus
We always meet Jesus in a context – one that is shaped by our body and our relationships, i.e., the world. And our context is always alien to the historical Jesus’s context. He was a charismatic peasant Jew living in the chokehold of Roman empire, during a phase of human history that was more brutalContinue reading “Beyond the Specialness of Jesus”
The End of Fearing God and Love
True kindness has no fear in it. It wants nothing from the other because it knows the other is its own self. There is no compromise in kindness, no negotiation. It knows what is true. And because what is true is not separate from it, it is kind. If I feel fear, then I cannotContinue reading “The End of Fearing God and Love”