Yesterday, while mowing the lawn, I fell into a funk. I remembered a lie that I told many years ago. It was a big lie to somebody who is a relatively important and consistent part of my life. I’ve never been called out on it and now and then I remember it and wonder ifContinue reading “Solving Problems with A Course in Miracles”
Category Archives: Separation
Question Your Separation from God
The separation is the starting point. It is the beginning. We believe that we are separated from God. It is an old problem, an old belief, and it gave rise to religion and all other sorts of thought systems and beliefs. We are always struggling with the self that we think we are – theContinue reading “Question Your Separation from God”
You Can End Your Separation from God Now
If God is, and we are not experiencing God, then we have interjected something between ourselves and God. It is not an object though it may certainly appear that way. It is simply the idea that we can be separated from God. That is all. If we can liberate ourselves from the tyranny of thatContinue reading “You Can End Your Separation from God Now”
A Course in Miracles: The Ego’s Use of Guilt
This section contains an early and clear outline of the origins of our guilt and fear. Ego argues that you deliberately and permanently separated yourself from God – effectively taking part of God away from God – and then set up spiritual shop on your own. We feel guilt for having done this and weContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: The Ego’s Use of Guilt”