Love, which created me, is what I am.
Here is the answer to all our questions about what we are and what is our function. Love, which created us, is what we are (W-pII.229.h).
But for many of us – certainly I am one – the answer is like a bright light that obscures its own simplicity. We all know that Love is what we are. Most of us were saying that, or something like it, long before we even encountered A Course in Miracles.
Why is it so hard to accept? Why do we place so many obstacles to its acceptance?
And are those even the right questions to ask?
I want to suggest that the real gem in this lesson is just behind the main idea and it’s this: “Now need I seek no more” (W-pII.229.1:2).
There are two important aspects to this idea, which are equally challenging to our acceptance of the primary idea the lesson offers.
The first is that our spiritual journey is over. We don’t have to wander the earth looking for good books and websites, gurus and teachers, retreats and churches. All that was a distraction. It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad. It just wasn’t the answer.
It is very hard to accept that all our so-called spiritual work – reading and re-reading Tara Singh, studying and applying the lessons, finding good therapists, meditation and yoga, all of it – was just froth at the tip of the wave. No more and no less.
Our ego doesn’t want to admit that! We want our journey to have been meaningful, full of direction and clarity, and always productive. And the Course is saying, that’s not so.
It’s not so because what we were seeking was always already given to us. It was what we are – right here, right now. Therefore, not only is there nothing to seek, it was seeking that obscured the truth.
This is an extension of the ACIM premise that the secret to salvation is that we are doing this to our own self (T-27.VIII.10:1).
This is the other aspect of this idea that can be challenging to us. Love is what we are but we clearly don’t know it, and all our instinct and all our conditioning teaches us to go find it. Study, learn, read, meditate, sit at the feet of the guru, sit in the front of the classroom et cetera.
And none of that will do. That’s just the same old useless dream – empty and meaningless – reasserting itself. It’s mechanical; it just runs of its own accord, and carries us with it.
What is the other way? Look at the lesson carefully, especially these sentences:
Love has prevailed. So still It waited for my coming home, that will turn away no longer from the holy face of Christ (W-pII.229.1:3-4).
Love does the work and the work it does is . . . wait. It doesn’t call to us, it doesn’t get all active in our lives. It just . . . waits. Are we finished with our silly seeking? Our pointless speculation about spirit and God?
Remember what the introduction to this sequence of lessons said about forgiveness. It is “still and quietly does nothing” (W-pII.1.4:1).
It offends no aspect of reality, nor seeks to twist it to appearances it likes. It merely looks, and waits, and judges not (W-pII.1.4:2-3).
When we release judgment – which, yes, has to be learned and re-learned, applied and re-applied – then what see reveals the “holy face of Christ” (W-pII.229.1:4). This is not a thing we do but a thing we know when we stop insisting that our way – our ideas, our rituals, our plans – are equal in any way to God’s. Everything we look upon and reflect upon “attests the truth of the Identity I sought to lose” (W-pII.229.1:5).
Our seeking was a form of refusing to realize what was always true. Seeking was a form of hiding, avoiding and obscuring. Can we – for a few minutes today – not seek? Can we simply look, wait and judge not?
Can we – for a moment even – be the Love that in Creation we have always been? What else in the end becomes us?