The Holy Spirit is a way of thinking that A Course in Miracles posits as both the ego’s opposite and the ego’s undoing. Like ego, the Holy Spirit is experienced as a voice which both interprets experience and makes suggestions about how to respond to experience. However, listening to it rather than to ego producesContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: What is the Holy Spirit?”
Author Archives: Sean
Bodies, Pain and Inner Peace
Earlier this week I wrote about pain and the body. What is an ACIM student to do when they are suffering chronic pain? Here I want to go a little deeper into this question, focusing on the attraction of pain as an obstacle to inner peace. A Course in Miracles identifies “the belief that theContinue reading “Bodies, Pain and Inner Peace”
Learning to Act in the Name of Love
This post but another way: Heinz von Foerster said “If you want to see, learn how to act.” “Learn how to act” is an instruction for living. It is a direction given to a body in a world. For example, somebody is yelling at us or we want to yell at somebody. What is theContinue reading “Learning to Act in the Name of Love”
Homesteading and ACIM
I would like to write about my experience of homesteading – raising one’s own food and the relationships that entails – and how it relates to what A Course in Miracles calls the “Happy Dream.” Pictures are just random, “around the place and around our lives” kind of thing. Chrisoula and I have constructed overContinue reading “Homesteading and ACIM”
Your Dream of Nothing is Nothing to God
The cosmos exists because you are asleep and dreaming (T-10.I.2:1). When you wake up the cosmos will no longer exist and since you are part of the cosmos, you will no longer exist either. And since you no longer exist, there will be no memory of any dream. The cosmos is merely what nothing wouldContinue reading “Your Dream of Nothing is Nothing to God”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 177
God is but Love, and therefore so am I. Most of our fear cashes out in our fear of death, supplemented from time to time in our fear of eternal suffering. So long as we dread the body’s end, and associate it with our won, then we cannot be happy and we cannot share thatContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 177”