Even into this vale of tears – this shimmering illusion of a world – does the Infinite find a way to reach us. Escher drawings, Nisargadatta ramblings, Mertonian insights on the streets of Louisville. Truly, to see a goldfinch in the garden in mid-August is to see the Face of God and live. Nothing isContinue reading “Agape Love and A Course in Miracles”
Category Archives: A Course in Miracles
Christian Living and A Course in Miracles
I am reading Louis Dupré’s “Reflections on Roberto Mangabeira Unger’s The Religion of the Future” published in The Journal of Religion. I could care less about Unger’s book; Dupré is my bread and water these days. Specifically, Dupré helps me contextualize the challenge of living Christianly, especially when “Christianly” is so deeply entwined with A CourseContinue reading “Christian Living and A Course in Miracles”
Reality, Coffee and A Course in Miracles
A Coffee Mug If I give attention to the mug of coffee an arm’s length over to my right, what happens. I see a mug. The mug has a form which is amenable to description. The mug also has a story – where it came from, how everyone knows it’s “Sean’s/Dad’s coffee mug,” et cetera.Continue reading “Reality, Coffee and A Course in Miracles”
Seeing Lights in A Course in Miracles
Yesterday, I talked about the so-called light episodes of Lesson Fifteen in A Course in Miracles. My basic position is: don’t worry about them. They aren’t important. I want to say more about why they are not important. Or maybe how. The world we see is a coarse-grained symbol of what A Course in MiraclesContinue reading “Seeing Lights in A Course in Miracles”
Light Episodes in Lesson Fifteen of A Course in Miracles
I want to talk briefly about the so-called “light episodes” in Lesson Fifteen of A Course in Miracles. We get worked up about them – people see the lights and worry why are they seeing lights, or are secretly proud they’re seeing lights, or they do not see lights, and worry why are they notContinue reading “Light Episodes in Lesson Fifteen of A Course in Miracles”
A Course in Miracles: The Guide to Salvation
The Holy Spirit, which is our Guide to Salvation, is the idea of healing (T-5.III.2:1), which is to say, both the “Call for God” and “the idea of God” (T-5.III.2:3). And, because we are not apart from God, but live as God’s creations, the Holy Spirit is also the idea of our own self (T-5.III.2:4).Continue reading “A Course in Miracles: The Guide to Salvation”