On Death, Trust, Love and A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles teaches that we are entitled to the “perfect comfort” that comes with “perfect trust” (T-2.III.5:1). What does it mean to be trusting? And, perhaps more to the point, in who or in what shall we place this trust? To trust is to have faith in the reliability or fidelity of somethingContinue reading “On Death, Trust, Love and A Course in Miracles”

Zombies and A Course in Miracles

In his essay “Physics and Mind: Minding Quanta and Cosmology” Karl H. Pribram suggests that brain is to mind as person is to experience. As he puts it, somewhat inelegantly, you can eat a brain but you can’t eat experience. Zombie inferences aside, I think this is an interesting way to think about what itContinue reading “Zombies and A Course in Miracles”

Thinking through A Course in Miracles

How shall we organize our thinking? Through what lens or prism shall we allow our thoughts to pass in order to see brought forth clarification and subsequently helpfulness and love? When made the subject of contemplation, clarity begets helpfulness, which initiates service, which is love. Through service the one loves the other and through service thatContinue reading “Thinking through A Course in Miracles”

Keeping it Simple: A Way of Looking at A Course in Miracles

What leads one to – and sustains one through – a serious study of A Course in Miracles? There is no one answer to this question; indeed, there are as many answers as there are ACIM students. We might subsequently group the answers together based on perceived similarities but this is a matter of convenienceContinue reading “Keeping it Simple: A Way of Looking at A Course in Miracles”

A Course in Miracles: The Immediacy of Salvation

In The Immediacy of Salvation,” A Course in Miracles makes the reasonable point that all our plans for safety are forward-looking, and since we can’t actually know what the future holds, our “plans” as such are essentially useless. Yet the course also recognizes that some fear exists in us that causes us to make thoseContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: The Immediacy of Salvation”