A Course in Miracles and Gratitude

The unhealed healer wants gratitude from his brothers, but he is not grateful to them. That is because he thinks he is giving something to them, and is not receiving something equally desirable in return (T-7.V.7:1-2). This concept of relationships – giving to get and needing to come out ahead in the bargain – isContinue reading “A Course in Miracles and Gratitude”

A Course in Miracles: Forgetting What We Know

Think but an instant just on this; you can behold the holiness God gave His Son. And never need you think that there is something else for you to see (T-20.VIII.11:3-4). Our task as students of A Course in Miracles is simply to choose the goal of peace. There is literally nothing else that weContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: Forgetting What We Know”

A Course in Miracles: On Holiness and Truth

The holy do not interfere with truth (T-20.III.3:1). I write by a window facing north. Robins are working a patch of earth beneath the dogwood tree whose blossoms have yet to soften and open. The sky is pale gray; rain fell earlier and may yet again. Beyond the early summer bird song and far offContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: On Holiness and Truth”