God is in everything I see because God is in my mind. There is a seamlessness to our experience that we basically deny. We’re here, the cat is there, the driveway is out there, our friends are scattered hither and yon. Work is is three hours, supper is in ten, tomorrow is the doctor’s appointment,Continue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 30”
Category Archives: ACIM Daily Lessons
A Course in Miracles Lesson 29
God is in everything I see The basis for vision – which is the spiritual replacement of the body’s seeing – is that God is in everything that we see. God’s indwelling presence in all that we see is what gives everything its function and saves it from separation. That this is confusing to usContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 29”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 28
Above all else I want to see things differently. Lesson 28 is a more specific application of Lesson 27. It is an opportunity to explore our commitment to learning – to seeing differently – in the context of bodies in the world. This is okay – it is more than okay – because as theContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 28”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 27
Above all else I want to see. The early lessons of A Course in Miracles invite us to question both how we see and what we see. Our natural human reliance is on the physical eyes. In general, we accept without question the world our sight provides. This leads to a curious belief, though: thatContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 27”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 25
I do not know what anything is for. Lesson 25 of A Course in Miracles concretizes Lesson 24. It takes the abstraction of not knowing how to perceive our best interests and applies to the people, places and objects that make our lives in the world. We may know what a farm, a friend orContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 25”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 24
I do not perceive my own best interests. Learning occurs when the need for learning is recognized. If we think we already know something, then we aren’t going to seek a teacher. If we’re sure that we’re doing something correctly, then we aren’t going be open to the possibility that there is another, better way.Continue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 24”