A Course in Miracles Lesson 198

Only my condemnation injures me. The power of belief is such that we can believe that we are vulnerable to injury; the evidence that we do believe this is evident in our condemnation of our brothers and sisters. They are dangerous, aggressive, selfish, and untrustworthy. And yet, we receive what we offer. As we condemnContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 198”

A Course in Miracles Lesson 196

It can be but myself I crucify. This is a more acute phrasing of the standard ACIM teaching that the secret to salvation is that we are doing this – causing suffering by accepting the ego’s interpretation of self and world – to ourselves (T-27.VIII.10:1). The great lie of projection is that we can avoidContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 196”

Rethinking our Function: ACIM Lesson 186

A Course in Miracles revolves around the idea that salvation – ours and the world’s – is found in our ability to recognize and embrace our true identity as extensions of God in Creation, which identity is far beyond the ego’s limited perception. On this view, the statement “salvation of the world depends on me”Continue reading “Rethinking our Function: ACIM Lesson 186”