Spiritual Poverty and the Mystery of Subjectivity

The wind blows where it will, and thou hearest its sound but dost not know where it comes from or where it goes. ~ John 3:8 Yet the utterly subjective nature of our experience as human observers must be entered as into a mystery, its apparent infinities and eternities robustly explored. The interior is allContinue reading “Spiritual Poverty and the Mystery of Subjectivity”

The Experience of Inner Peace

“There is no answer; only an experience” (C-In.4:4). That lovely line – all of seven words – is found in the introduction to the Clarification of Terms in A Course in Miracles. Its simplicity underscores an important tenet of the course: it is a deeply practical curriculum that aims at an experience of inner peaceContinue reading “The Experience of Inner Peace”

The Gift of Undivided Love

attention is the gift of undivided love, effortlessly giving as it was given attention yields discernment which is to see clearly what is and on that basis to separate the true from the false discernment yields detachment – detachment from outcomes and goals, from having and not having – detachment from the false – detachmentContinue reading “The Gift of Undivided Love”

Loving in a Loveless Place

Fail not in your function of loving in a loveless place (T-14.IV.4:10). This is a powerful sentence from A Course in Miracles, neatly summarizing the curriculum’s emphasis on the miracle as a shift from fear towards love, and our ongoing responsibility to bring forth love with our brothers and sisters. It requires humility and open-mindedness.Continue reading “Loving in a Loveless Place”