The Case for Hope in A Course in Miracles

Practicing A Course in Miracles requires what we might call pragmatic optimism. Most of us are a little confused by the course – its language, its metaphysics. What does it mean that the external world is an illusion? How is it possible to leave thought behind? How can I love all people when it isContinue reading “The Case for Hope in A Course in Miracles”

Reading A Course in Miracles: The Decision for God

In earlier, less-edited versions of the text, this section was referred to as “The Eternal Fixation,” and included a fairly lengthy riff on Freud and his ideas about fixation. While I think the revised text is a bit jumpy, I very much like the new title. Fixation was meant to imply that our minds wereContinue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles: The Decision for God”

Reading A Course in Miracles : The Invitation to the Holy Spirit

I have been resisting this section for the better part of a week. I read it – encountered a lot of language about the Holy Spirit – and something in me just shut down. It wasn’t clear why. I re-read it several times – read earlier, less edited versions – and prayed on it asContinue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles : The Invitation to the Holy Spirit”

Reading A Course in Miracles: Healing as a Release from Fear

Healing as a release from fear introduces a key component of A Course in Miracles: Atonement, rightly understood, is a remedy (T-2.IV.1:5). It is a principle which guides the application of miracles. Miracles, in turn, are a means of delivering a remedy to that which is sick (T-2.IV.1:2). Thus, a sick mind – which isContinue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles: Healing as a Release from Fear”

Reading A Course in Miracles: The Atonement as Defense

The “Atonement as Defense” is a section of A Course in Miracles that calls us to defend the truth by denying the power of error to hurt us in any way. We know that we are deferring to error – or the power of wrong-minded thinking – whenever we feel doubt or fear. These feelingsContinue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles: The Atonement as Defense”