Inner peace is understanding all things created as what they are – free of judgment, and the demands that judgment places on them (e.g., T-30.V.1:3-5). But forgiveness precedes understanding (T-30.V.1:6), and until we have made it our practice, we will remain confused about what we are, what our function is, and what the purpose ofContinue reading “Inner Peace Within Creation”
Category Archives: Awakening
A Way Of Thinking For Which We Are Responsible
One of the aspects of ego about which we are mostly in denial is the fact that we like it – it works for us – and so we don’t want to give it up. It took me a long time to see this in my own experience. I still struggle with it. If youContinue reading “A Way Of Thinking For Which We Are Responsible”
Awareness of God is Inner Peace
I walked twice today. Once because that’s what I do (it was chilly and dark and stormy) and twice because just after 1 p.m. the rain cleared and it was warm and sunny and sometimes one longs not for the hermitage but for the glorious light of God itself and seeing it right there, stepsContinue reading “Awareness of God is Inner Peace”
In Relationship with Symbols of Truth
I do not believe that the historical Jesus dictated A Course in Miracles to Helen Schucman. Rather, I believe that Helen – in an action of profound love, profound willingness – accepted through the symbol of Jesus her real Self which, in conjunction with Bill Thetford, created the work that we now call A CourseContinue reading “In Relationship with Symbols of Truth”
Lucifer’s Error
The sin of Lucifer was called pride but in reality it was a simple error, a common mistake of thought to which we are all of us beholden: the psychological premise that what we are in truth is separate from what God is and that what God is is given unequally and that we areContinue reading “Lucifer’s Error”
Thought, Awareness and the Ability to Comprehend
Spring gesticulated; fell back. So it goes in March: one day you’re jacketless and whistling back at Robins, the next you’re watching gusts of wind blow thin streams of snow beneath the back door. The chickens huddle in beds of straw and the dog looks back at you, as if to say: really? Even inContinue reading “Thought, Awareness and the Ability to Comprehend”