God doesn’t hide. If you want to see the face of God, and you haven’t, it’s because the face of God is either not what you expected or not what you want. And that’s on you, not God. There is – because there is always – another way. Turning away from the face of GodContinue reading “Living in the Sight of God”
Category Archives: Awakening
More on Illusion and Reality
Illusions always arise with respect to a referent: they are compared to what is believed to be real and on the basis of the comparison are found lacking in some fundamental way. That is how we determine whether an object or experience will be labeled “real” or “illusory.” However, at the moment of experience, illusionsContinue reading “More on Illusion and Reality”
Getting Beyond “Know Thyself”
Perhaps we are moving beyond a space of needing to “know thyself.” Perhaps we are entering a new space where it is enough to realize the process of knowing, without getting hung up on knower and known and so forth. The self seems to be that which has certain identifying data (name, birthday, place ofContinue reading “Getting Beyond “Know Thyself””
On Letting Go – and thus Knowing Deeply – Christ
When I say “let go of Christ” or “let go of A Course in Miracles” what I mean is: let Christ be. Let A Course in Miracles be. Let God be. I don’t mean have or don’t have, possess or don’t possess. I mean simply give attention to Christ, or God, or A Course inContinue reading “On Letting Go – and thus Knowing Deeply – Christ”
Doubt as a Christian Virtue
Radical doubt underlies my experience of being Christian. At any moment – for any length of time – I am willing to let the whole practice and tradition go, to see it all as unhelpful, confused, discriminatory, superficial, distracting, unnecessary, illogical . . . It is like an enormous wave overtaking this aspect of myContinue reading “Doubt as a Christian Virtue”
Wanting Monasteries
For a long time I wanted a monastery. Then I wanted one with whom to want a monastery with me. Then I wanted one with whom to expand this want to include the various ecstasies associated with the insights one imagined would be gained in the monastery, yet are in this living mainly enacted sensuallyContinue reading “Wanting Monasteries”