Hilary Putnam suggests that “What is wrong is that Nature, or ‘physical reality’ in the post-Newtonian understanding of the physical, has no semantic preferences.” That is, there is no one way or right way or best way to speak/write. There are only more or less helpful ways and they are all contingent on context. ThisContinue reading “On Love, Semantic Preference, Insight and Violets”
Category Archives: Coherence
Drifting through August . . .
I sent out a newsletter this morning, ruminating on the garden and how it symbolizes – in an active and useful way – the love and inner peace into which we are all slowly spiraling. Sign up if you like! I am doing some ACIM-specific writing in the form of Facebook Notes, and welcome youContinue reading “Drifting through August . . .”
Being Happy in and with Uncertainty
There is a domain whose existence we are aware of but the contents of which – for now – remain beyond our ability to know. Hence my commitment to epistemic humility as a spiritual practice. I say “for now” because I cannot rule out the possibility of advances – technological, psychological, et cetera – thatContinue reading “Being Happy in and with Uncertainty”
Summer 2019 / Notes
One of the tricks to a sustainable writing practice is to change the writing utensil, writing media, writing space. If you write on a computer, write with a pen. If you write in the hay loft, write at the kitchen table. Presently, for reasons that are obscure but pleasing, I have been writing Facebook NotesContinue reading “Summer 2019 / Notes”
Attention without Goals
One way to think about giving attention is to see it as essentially permissive or even passive – it does not seek to change the object which is being attended (which may include attention itself). Attention has no goal outside its own expression or existence. A great deal of our psychic energy, especially in ourContinue reading “Attention without Goals”
On Bringing Forth Reflexive Domains
One element of reflexive domains is that they are not pre-existing. We do not discover or detect them. Rather, they arise with us. We bring them forth as they bring us forth. This is love. When I say “bring them forth” I do not mean that we will them into being. For we, too, areContinue reading “On Bringing Forth Reflexive Domains”