Lenten Writing: Living Praxically

Praxis is the way we live the life that is indicated by our study. Study directs our praxis by suggesting certain practices, approaches, methods, strategies. This reflects the clarification and contemplation aspects of our living. Our study directs our praxis but, in turn, praxis informs our study, suggesting new directions, methods and so forth. ForContinue reading “Lenten Writing: Living Praxically”

The Absence Of Love Means Only That We Are Not Present

When we ask for love, we implictly acknowledge that the conditions we specify as loving are not present. But since love cannot be absent, as it is our fundament, “not present” means that we are not fully or properly in attendance. So the problem is not an external lack – circumstances not aligning in theContinue reading “The Absence Of Love Means Only That We Are Not Present”

On Obedience, Bias and Brokeback Mountain

Many years ago, while teaching Brokeback Mountain, I was approached by a student who professed that her religious beliefs obligated her to not read a text and to not participate in discussions that normalized what she – as a devout practicing Christian – considered “sinful behavior.” I appreciated her raising the issue with me andContinue reading “On Obedience, Bias and Brokeback Mountain”

Examining the Grounds of our Spiritual Search

Is it possible that the search of the Self or the World or the Lord is confused at the outset? That its very premise is suspect, inevitably contaminating whatever apparently proceeds or emerges from it? Say that I resolve to search for an Xlkerd. I pledge not to rest until I encounter an Xlkerd. MyContinue reading “Examining the Grounds of our Spiritual Search”