Advent Travels: Admitting the Wound

Yesterday it snowed a little as the sun set: prismatic flurries tracing faded planes of light down western hills slowly darkening. I stood shivering on the front porch, breathless and grateful, now and then remembering to take a sip of coffee. I cannot bear the loveliness sometimes; I cannot compass the love the loveliness reflects.Continue reading “Advent Travels: Admitting the Wound”

Advent Travels: What Dancing Looks and Feels Like

Sawicki says that whatever Christ is, it is contagious (Seeing the Lord 327). What does this mean? When you say “whatever Christ is” you are tacitly saying you don’t know what Christ is. But when you say “Christ is contagious” you are boldly claiming a deep understanding of the experience of Christ. In a senseContinue reading “Advent Travels: What Dancing Looks and Feels Like”

Advent Travels: Snakes and Hotel Windows

In the fourth dialogue in Dialogues on A Course in Miracles, Tara Singh asks a good question: what did you do today in which there were no illusions? Some people say, “the wilderness” is a symbol, a metaphor, a word being a word. The real question is to what does it point? I can’t decideContinue reading “Advent Travels: Snakes and Hotel Windows”