A Course in Miracles reframes traditional concepts of teaching and learning (and thus of student and teacher), with an eye toward bringing us to responsibility for healing in all our relationships. In the traditional view, teaching is a profession, a 9-to-5 type of gig – you train, get certified, find a job, develop professionally. TeachersContinue reading “Reading the ACIM Manual for Teachers: Introduction”
Category Archives: A Course in Miracles
Advent Travels: Be Mary
When I wrote Thursday’s post, the Advent travels ended. The writing will go on, of course. But I found what I was looking for. C texted mid-afternoon saying “I read it 4 times.” When you know, you know. Jasper came by later and we stood on the front porch, sipping hot chocolate in the cold.Continue reading “Advent Travels: Be Mary”
A Course in Miracles: What is Salvation
Salvation is a promise made by God that we are not separate from God, and that the illusion that we are separate will end. It is a promise that our current state of confusion, despair, struggle and pain is not real and will pass away, taking all its effects with it. Nothing happened. It’s allContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: What is Salvation”
ACIM Miracle Principles: An Introduction
You can also skip to the full index. A Course in Miracles is not a handbook for a lifelong spiritual practice of nondual bliss. It is not a new age fantasy of oneness with the cosmos. Its lessons do not teach a form of post-Christian mysticism. It’s not a spiritual variation of “I’m okay, you’reContinue reading “ACIM Miracle Principles: An Introduction”
The Fiftieth Principle of A Course in Miracles
The miracle compares what you have made with creation, accepting what is in accord with it as true, and rejecting what is out of accord as false (T-1.I.50:1). This penultimate principle of miracles identifies us as creators, participants in God’s Kingdom, created to create as God creates. We do this when we think as GodContinue reading “The Fiftieth Principle of A Course in Miracles”
The Forty-Ninth Principle of A Course in Miracles
The miracle makes no distinction among degrees of misperception. It is a device for perception correction, effective quite apart from either the degree or direction of the error. This is its true indiscriminateness (T-1.I.49:1-3). There is no order of difficulty in miracles (T-1.I.1:1). This is another way of saying that the miracle does not recognizeContinue reading “The Forty-Ninth Principle of A Course in Miracles”