The Thirty-Second Principle of A Course in Miracles

I inspire all miracles, which are intercessions. They intercede for your holiness and make your perceptions holy. By placing you beyond the physical laws they raise you into the sphere of celestial order. In this order you are perfect (T-1.1.32:1-4).

The implication here, of course, is that there are orders in which we are not perfect – or, at least, do not believe we are perfect. And what the Holy Spirit does is transform our perception so that we realize we are perfect – perfect, that is, when we remember what we are in truth.

In this way, the miracle effectively transforms the world brought forth by our limited perception (which includes our ideas about that world) by demonstrating the natural truth of God’s creation. By showing our real self to our self – by bringing us into direct contact with truth – the miracle teaches us our own holiness. It teaches us our own perfection.

More than that, the miracle advocates for our holiness. It advocates for our perfection. When we recognize our holiness, we simultaneously recognize our truth. We recognize that truth is true and remains as God created it. This allows perception to be healed because nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists (T-in.2:2-3). Healed perception always aligns us with the truth as God created it.

You were redeemed the instant you thought you had deserted Him. Everything you made has never been, and is invisible because the Holy Spirit does not see it. Yet what He does see is yours to behold, and through His vision your perception is healed (T-12.VIII.6:4-6).

When the Course says that miracles place us “beyond the physical laws” and raise us “into the sphere of celestial order” (T-1.I.32:3), it is saying that the miracle allows us to transcend the limitations of the body’s perception and the world’s conditioning and instead remember that we are minds, God-lit and pure, which together are the nondual light of Love.

And Love holds everything.

Our perceptions of the physical world, along with our ego-based thoughts and beliefs about that world, make an illusory experience of separation – we forget ourselves. We lose ourselves. We lose our confidence and trust – in ourselves, in one another, and in God. We believe we are in adversarial relationships with our neighbors, and that the world is neither fair nor loving. We believe in loss and sacrifice. In that grim world order, of course we are not perfect. Everything we do and everything that exists attests to imperfection.

Yet in the celestial order – the order revealed by the shift in perception from unholiness to holiness, which is the miracle – we remember that we are whole and perfect, united in oneness with all of life. There are no exceptions because love is the absence of exceptions (e.g., W-pI.195.6:2).

When we remember what we are, then we remember that we are perfect. We do not make mistakes, and we do not commit sins. We are not guilty, and need neither to be punished nor to punish. We do not die and we cannot suffer. This is salvation! This is what it means to be born again! This is the remembrance of what we are, never to be forgotten or set aside again.

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