A Course in Miracles Lesson 209

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

What are we in truth? A Course in Miracles is given to correct our spiritual identity crisis. We have forgotten who we are and what we are, we are alienated from our creator and creation, and we want to feel happiness and peace again.

The course answers this question simply by reminding us we are created by the Love of God (W-pI.209.1:2) and that the Love of God represents the totality of what we are (W-pI.209.1:3). This love is both our source and our inheritance; remembering this liberates us from hurt and anger, guilt and fear. Our holiness is not other than God’s holiness. The so-called “sleep of forgetfulness” is merely our unwillingness to remember that God knows us only as innocent because we are extensions of Love (T-16.VII.12:4).

When we study and practice A Course in Miracles, we gently remember what has been “forgotten” through unwillingness. Remembrance undoes separation. We call this “awakening” because we are leaving our sleep and the nightmares that appear to reinforce the need for sleep.

Nothing can interfere with our identity as God created it. Nothing can disturb or undo either God’s Love for us or the joy and peace that we feel in and as that Love. Nothing can interrupt the extension of this love, nor the healing it engenders as it extends. This is reality.

The miracle sets reality where it belongs. Reality belongs only to spirit, and the miracle acknowledges only truth. It thus dispels illusions about yourself, and puts you in communion with yourself and God (T-1.IV.2:3-5).

Over the past few days we have been focused on remembering the active presence of God’s Love. We have been leaning into the intimacy of the heart and the earth. Our  sincerity in our practice yields results, even if we cannot perceive them. Indeed, we are poor judges of our progress. Letting go of our expectations – even for awakening – can only hasten awakening. 

You are still convinced that your understanding is a powerful contribution to the truth, and makes it what it is. Yet we have emphasized that you need understand nothing. Salvation is easy just because it asks nothing you cannot give right now (T-18.IV.7:5-7). 

This lesson is designed to bolster our confidence and remind us that the truth is true, no matter how many fantasies and lies we project before it. It is the call to hopefulness and steadfastness, grounding us in our determination to accept no alternative to God’s grace, but to remain focused and vigilant only for the Kingdom of Heaven.

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Lesson 210→

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