A Course in Miracles Lesson 84

Love created me like itself.

Love holds no grievances.

The question is what are we. The suggestion A Course in Miracles makes is that we are answering that question incorrectly, but can be taught to answer it correctly.

We are not bodies – subject to the myriad woes forever visited on bodies – but rather Love Itself. That is, our very existence is “in the likeness” of our Creator (W-pI.84.1:2).

That which is made by Love cannot also be perishable or subject to suffering.

What in you – what aspect of you – will not die? Never suffers?

To answer that question we have to look away from the body, and from a thought system that insists we are bodies. We have to declare – whether we believe it yet or not – that we are Creations of Love.

I am not a body. I would recognize my reality today. I will worship no idols, nor raise my own self-concept to replace my Self (W-pI.84.1:4-6).

When we hold these declarations in mind, our relationship with the world shifts. When we are frustrated or frightened or grieved, we simply ask if there is a way to see this that is consistent with the truth of “Love created me like itself” (W-pI.84.1:8).

The answer is yes, there is always another way to see this, and it is always related to letting go of grievances. Grievances are the way we insist that our brothers and sisters are bodies which, in turn, reinforces the illusion that we are bodies.

Grievances are completely alien to love. Grievances attack love and keep its light obscure. If I hold grievances I am attacking love, and therefore attacking my Self (W-pI.84.3:2-4).

We remember that we are love by refusing to do what love would not do: love does not hold grievances, no more do we.

This becomes a way of acting in the world. It is a decision to think in a way that shifts our behavior in ways that remind us – and our brothers and sisters, indeed, the world – that we all share in the likeness of love.

Thus, by remembering love we move away from our addiction to grievances, bring forth more loving and equitable relationships which actually do heal the world and thus remember what we are in truth (e.g., W-pI.84.3:6).

Which is the only question we need to answer . . .

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