One of my personal struggles with A Course in Miracles always comes from the impulse to interpret it or assume that it does mean literally what it teaches. A contribution from me becomes essential to understanding. And where the egoic self insists on its own prerogative, God can only gently wait. So I have toContinue reading “On Reading Attentively”
Author Archives: Sean
The Case for Hope in A Course in Miracles
Practicing A Course in Miracles requires what we might call pragmatic optimism. Most of us are a little confused by the course – its language, its metaphysics. What does it mean that the external world is an illusion? How is it possible to leave thought behind? How can I love all people when it isContinue reading “The Case for Hope in A Course in Miracles”
Light on the Separation from God
A Course in Miracles explains the origins of our guilt and suffering in the world in terms of a mistaken belief that we are separated from God. In this sense, the separation is the only real problem that we have (W-pI.79.1:4). Thus, our separation from God is what we are trying to solve, or resolve.Continue reading “Light on the Separation from God”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 168
Your grace is given me. I claim it now. We claim God’s love – God’s grace – in confidence, not because of anything inherent in us, but because of what God is. God does not distinguish between minds that sleep and those which are awake. God is not bothered by the appearance of the worldContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 168”
Ending Projection Through Service
Projection is the foundation of our grief and sorrow. It gives rise to illusions which confuse our ability to redress problems where they actually are. One way to undo projection, and by extension its pernicious effects, is through service to our brothers and sisters. It is understood by most students of A Course in MiraclesContinue reading “Ending Projection Through Service”
The Veil Before Christ’s Face
It is important that we not confuse the veil that obscures Christ’s face with the face of Christ itself. The veil terrifies us; but Christ integrates us instantly and wholly into Love. So long as we are scared, even to the tiniest degree, we behold the veil before Christ’s face, and not Christ itself. WeContinue reading “The Veil Before Christ’s Face”