Reading the Rules for Decision: Walking the Lonesome Valley

Rules for Decision is one of my favorite – perhaps the favorite – section of the text of A Course in Miracles. It is clear and structured and it promises that adherence to its steps will bring us the peace and joy for which we so long. No fluff. No shades of gray. This sectionContinue reading “Reading the Rules for Decision: Walking the Lonesome Valley”

On Mistakes, Forgiveness and A Course in Miracles

Like all students of A Course in Miracles I make mistakes. I get frustrated with people. I can be very impatient and patronizing. I’m greedy sometimes – for food, for attention, for praise. I allow myself to be casual and lazy in my spiritual practice. I skip walking the dog because it’s raining. You knowContinue reading “On Mistakes, Forgiveness and A Course in Miracles”

How Does A Course in Miracles Define Love?

New and experienced students alike often ask: how does A Course in Miracles define love? The answer is both simple and revealing, and an understanding of it can greatly facilitate our ability to practice and learn from the Course. The Introduction to the Text includes the cautionary note that A Course in Miracles does notContinue reading “How Does A Course in Miracles Define Love?”