Sometimes it feels like the dance of A Course in Miracles could be called “one step forward, two steps back.” There are good days and bad days, and some of the good days are amazing to the point you can hardly talk about them with words, and some of the bad days are very badContinue reading “Reading the Rules for Decision: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back”
Author Archives: Sean
Reading the Rules for Decision: Practice Makes Perfect
I was fortunate to grow up in a house where my mother and father took religion – and by extension, spirituality – seriously. They did not compromise when it came to Catholicism and they were open-minded and fair with respect to other paths and traditions. Of course there are downsides to growing up thinking ofContinue reading “Reading the Rules for Decision: Practice Makes Perfect”
Reading the Rules for Decision: Finding Our Place in the Great Awakening
A Course in Miracles meets us where we are. That is part of what is so powerful and so lovely about it. There are no entrance examinations, no catechisms, no rituals. No special handshakes or secret signs. You don’t have to walk on your knees in pilgrimage. We pick it up and read and itContinue reading “Reading the Rules for Decision: Finding Our Place in the Great Awakening”
Reading the Rules for Decision: Catching Snowflakes on your Tongue
I’m working my way through a close reading of Rules for Decision. Yesterday’s post mused on the relationship between new beginnings and the rules. Today I’m wandering just a few sentences in, thinking about how utterly uncompromising A Course in Miracles is when it urges us to leave the decisions to Jesus and the HolyContinue reading “Reading the Rules for Decision: Catching Snowflakes on your Tongue”
Reading the Rules for Decision: Walking the Lonesome Valley
Rules for Decision is one of my favorite – perhaps the favorite – section of the text of A Course in Miracles. It is clear and structured and it promises that adherence to its steps will bring us the peace and joy for which we so long. No fluff. No shades of gray. This sectionContinue reading “Reading the Rules for Decision: Walking the Lonesome Valley”
On Mistakes, Forgiveness and A Course in Miracles
Like all students of A Course in Miracles I make mistakes. I get frustrated with people. I can be very impatient and patronizing. I’m greedy sometimes – for food, for attention, for praise. I allow myself to be casual and lazy in my spiritual practice. I skip walking the dog because it’s raining. You knowContinue reading “On Mistakes, Forgiveness and A Course in Miracles”