The Solution is Simple (That’s Why I Resist It)

There is a great story in the Zen tradition that you probably know. A farmer’s horse runs away leaving him with no means to work the fields. “What a pity,” his neighbors say. “Poor you.” “We’ll see,” says the farmer. The next day the horse comes home leading three wild horses. “That’s great!” say theContinue reading “The Solution is Simple (That’s Why I Resist It)”

A Course in Miracles Lesson 158

Today I learn to give as I receive. A Course in Miracles teaches us that revelation – direct union with God – is beyond the scope of what can be taught (T-1.II.2:1-3). Vision, on the other hand – recognizing our own self in our brothers and sisters and thus joining with them – is very muchContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 158”

A Course in Miracles Lesson 156

I walk with God in perfect holiness. God does not move; we appear to move. The course is using “walk” here to reflect both our understanding of the world brought forth in separation and the reality of the real world. Basically we are on a journey that is an illusion because there is nothing toContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 156”

On Guilt, Corsets and A Course in Miracles

I was talking with a friend the other day about forgiveness. In particular, I was harboring a grudge with an ACIM teacher who is not meeting my personal standard for gender equity. Cut him some slack, my friend said. He’s your father’s age. It’s a generational thing. When we find ourselves really hating on somebody,Continue reading “On Guilt, Corsets and A Course in Miracles”