Striving for Littleness: A Course in Miracles

A frequent theme of A Course in Miracles is that of littleness and grandeur – the former representing the ego and the latter, God – cannot coexist (T-9.VIII.6:4-5). We are explicitly urged not to be content with littleness – but rather to seek a majesty and magnitude befitting the wholeness in which we are indeliblyContinue reading “Striving for Littleness: A Course in Miracles”

Defense Mechanisms and A Course in Miracles

When we think of defense mechanisms in psychological or spiritual terms, we usually mean a way of thinking – of projection, say, or denial – by which the truth is intentionally obscured. The egoic self perceives as a threat and so engages in some pattern of thought – some habit of thought, a reflex ofContinue reading “Defense Mechanisms and A Course in Miracles”

What Do You Do if You Skip the Daily ACIM Lesson?

A Course in Miracles is best understood as a course – a text with accompanying lessons and a manual for teachers. It is true that we can use these resources as we see fit – and that what works for one student is not necessarily going to work for another – but I also thinkContinue reading “What Do You Do if You Skip the Daily ACIM Lesson?”