A frequent theme of A Course in Miracles is that of littleness and grandeur – the former representing the ego and the latter, God – cannot coexist (T-9.VIII.6:4-5). We are explicitly urged not to be content with littleness – but rather to seek a majesty and magnitude befitting the wholeness in which we are indeliblyContinue reading “Striving for Littleness: A Course in Miracles”
Author Archives: Sean
Defending an Illusion
The first and biggest illusion is our identification the body. Conflating it with self is the surest way to demean that self – to make it vulnerable, temporary and degraded. When we talk about defending illusions, this is the biggie – this is the one upon which so many others rest. When we are noContinue reading “Defending an Illusion”
Why Coherence Matters
The inclination to judge something – a person, an idea, a situation – as either good or bad and then to react accordingly is part of our biological heritage. It is what the brain does. Viewed in terms of evolution, one can appreciate why this happened. The organism – our body – has a survivalContinue reading “Why Coherence Matters”
Defense Mechanisms and A Course in Miracles
When we think of defense mechanisms in psychological or spiritual terms, we usually mean a way of thinking – of projection, say, or denial – by which the truth is intentionally obscured. The egoic self perceives as a threat and so engages in some pattern of thought – some habit of thought, a reflex ofContinue reading “Defense Mechanisms and A Course in Miracles”
Solving Problems with A Course in Miracles
Yesterday, while mowing the lawn, I fell into a funk. I remembered a lie that I told many years ago. It was a big lie to somebody who is a relatively important and consistent part of my life. I’ve never been called out on it and now and then I remember it and wonder ifContinue reading “Solving Problems with A Course in Miracles”
What Do You Do if You Skip the Daily ACIM Lesson?
A Course in Miracles is best understood as a course – a text with accompanying lessons and a manual for teachers. It is true that we can use these resources as we see fit – and that what works for one student is not necessarily going to work for another – but I also thinkContinue reading “What Do You Do if You Skip the Daily ACIM Lesson?”