Reading A Course in Miracles: Cause and Effect

A Course in Miracles asserts that the law of cause-and-effect is “the most fundamental law there is” (T-2.VII.1:4). A is responsible for B, and B is dependent on A (and B may in turn become responsible for C, which will then be dependent on D, and so forth). Cause-and-effect is implicit in creativity; without it,Continue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles: Cause and Effect”

A Course in Miracles Lesson 16

I have no neutral thoughts. Lesson 16 of A Course in Miracles is a wonderful opportunity to make contact with what a Zen Buddhist might call call “monkey mind.” Where recent lessons have asked us to bring up particularly frightening thoughts, this one asks that we make no discrimination whatsoever. It asks us to recognize thatContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 16”

Reading A Course in Miracles: Special Principles of Miracle Workers

We might consider this section a sort of adjunct to the Principles of Miracles. Yet the focus has shifted somewhat: from what miracles are to what miracle workers do. In a sense, this section is an early exposition about application. Miracles are shifts in thinking that facilitate love rather than fear; here is how we liveContinue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles: Special Principles of Miracle Workers”

A Course in Miracles Lesson 13

A meaningless world engenders fear. ACIM Lesson 13 is the first time in the workbook that we encounter the phrase “the ego” (W-p1.13.2:2). This is a significant textual development, because it subtly introduces the concept that we are not the “we” we think we are. As well, this lesson includes powerful language about our activeContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 13”