A miracle is a service. It is the maximal service you can render to another. It is a way of loving your neighbor as yourself. You recognize your own and your neighbor’s worth simultaneously (T-1.I.18:1-3). Service is a form of love. It is a way of saying to our brothers and sisters that we loveContinue reading “The Eighteenth Principle of A Course in Miracles”
Author Archives: Sean
A Course in Miracles: What is Cause and Effect
Cause and effect refer to the influence X has in contributing to the production of Y. In other words, Y is partially dependent on X for its existence. In the context of separation, we believe that external forces like weather or other people cause us to behave certain ways and feel certain things. This backwardsContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: What is Cause and Effect”
A Course in Miracles: What is Form and Content
Form and Content are related ideas which together are central to the curriculum of A Course in Miracles. Form is what the body’s eyes recognize. Form is that which we perceive, and which appears to be real. Yet in truth, form is merely a vehicle for the content, which is always either love or aContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: What is Form and Content”
A Course in Miracles: What is the Body?
In A Course in Miracles, the body is the apparent physical entity in the world with which we identify. The body is always personal; it is always unique; it is always separate from other bodies. Thus, the body is a symbol – perhaps the most enduring – of separation itself. Not only are we physicallyContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: What is the Body?”
The Seventeenth Principle of A Course in Miracles
Miracles transcend the body. They are sudden shifts into invisibility, away from the bodily level. That is why they heal (T-1.I.17:1-3). Miracles are shifts in thought away from fear and towards love. They reinterpret perception in order to reveal the oneness that is our inheritance in and as God’s Creation. Where once we perceived painContinue reading “The Seventeenth Principle of A Course in Miracles”
Sex, Holiness and A Course in Miracles
I am not a body is not synonymous with bodies aren’t real. A Course in Miracles is specific about two (among other) points: there is no world (W-pI.132.6:2) and we are not bodies (W-pI.199.8:7). Often we infer, or project, another point: there are no bodies either. But that addition is a distraction. Healing is ourContinue reading “Sex, Holiness and A Course in Miracles”