Advent Travels: Under the Bookish Pedagogy

Often, at night when I am most with Jesus and the Holy Spirit in prayer, I draw the curtains. Privacy, seclusion, minimal distractions. I am not of this world but another. But last night I let the curtains be. The moon was right outside the window, spectral and thin, and I was in the moodContinue reading “Advent Travels: Under the Bookish Pedagogy”

Advent Travels: The World as Eden

In Advent, no warning, the writing become disuptive. I forget that we are not in this together, and that my understanding of the illusion of separate interests cannot by force overcome that illusion in another. Why is this so hard? Over the weekend I read Jane Yolen’s YA history of the Shakers. I have lovedContinue reading “Advent Travels: The World as Eden”

Advent Travels: What Dancing Looks and Feels Like

Sawicki says that whatever Christ is, it is contagious (Seeing the Lord 327). What does this mean? When you say “whatever Christ is” you are tacitly saying you don’t know what Christ is. But when you say “Christ is contagious” you are boldly claiming a deep understanding of the experience of Christ. In a senseContinue reading “Advent Travels: What Dancing Looks and Feels Like”