Now we are one with Him Who is our Source. Judgment requires time. We evaluate the present by comparing it to the past in anticipation of the future. Today is better than yesterday which bodes well for tomorrow. Today, A Course in Miracles invites us to let judgment go, and discover in the Holy InstantContinue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 164”
Author Archives: Sean
Choosing between Two Teachers
I want to point out a two-step process that has been very helpful in my practice of A Course in Miracles specifically and, more generally, in my practice of becoming happy and peaceable to a Christ-like degree. The first step is learning to discern between the Voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice ofContinue reading “Choosing between Two Teachers”
ACIM and the End of War
There is no way to God, just like there is no way to the self. You are already fully present; so, too, is God. Wholeness is not waiting to be reconstructed; it is waiting to be recognized. The Wholeness of God, which is His peace, cannot be appreciated except by a whole mind that recognizesContinue reading “ACIM and the End of War”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 163
There is no death. The Son of God is free. Bodies die. This is true for bees, elephants and human beings. It’s true for clouds and planets. It is even true of the universe. The one thing upon which the living can depend is the arrival of death. It is, as Emily Dickinson called it,Continue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 163”
A Course in Miracles Lesson 162
I am as God created me. This is the hallmark mantra of A Course in Miracles. As the lesson makes clear, the student who knows this is true and does not forget it, has become “his Father’s happiness, His Love and His completion” (W-pI.162.2:1). Who among us does not long for this moment of self-recognition?Continue reading “A Course in Miracles Lesson 162”
The Tenth Principle of A Course in Miracles
The use of miracles as spectacles to induce belief is a misunderstanding of their purpose (T-I.10:1). There are really two aspects to this principle, both of which are given to help us be in right relation both with the world and our body, and with the mind which is confused about world and body andContinue reading “The Tenth Principle of A Course in Miracles”