I sent out a newsletter yesterday – you can sign up here if you like. The metaphysics of A Course in Miracles are clear: there is no world (W-pI.132.6:2) and we are not bodies (W-pI.199.8:7-8). On this view, what happens merely appears to happen; it’s an illusion. It’s like winning the lottery in our dreamsContinue reading “ACIM and Responding to Suffering”
Author Archives: Sean
The Fourth Principle of A Course in Miracles
All miracles mean life, and God is the Giver of life. His Voice will direct you very specifically. You will be told all you need to know (T-1.1.4:1-3). Understanding how A Course in Miracles uses the concept of specificity is essential to its effective practice. It really goes to the heart of the problem ofContinue reading “The Fourth Principle of A Course in Miracles”
Problem-Solving with Spirit
I sent out a newsletter yesterday with a glancing reference to problems. You can sign up here if you like. In this post, I want to be blunter about responding to problems. When things go sideways in the world, it is tempting to fix them. This is understandable but misguided. The desire to fix isContinue reading “Problem-Solving with Spirit”
Beginning Again, Together
A Course in Miracles teaches me that I am confused about what I am. I think I am a body in a world. But the course suggest I may not be. Am I willing to consider this? When I try to solve my problems in worldly terms – impatience, dishonesty, overeating, whatever – all IContinue reading “Beginning Again, Together”
Kenosis and A Course in Miracles
You must empty yourself of everything, including even the longing for life. You must give up everything, including control over your death. Forget about living and dying, and then forget you forgot about it. You will ask, “what is left? What more do you want of me God? What else can I give?” And thenContinue reading “Kenosis and A Course in Miracles”
If Love is the Answer
If we believe that Love is the answer, then our living should reflect this. If we are not happy all the time – if we are scared, defensive, greedy, closed-minded, even to a tiny degree – then we are still not accepting Love is the answer. We like the idea but not the application. It’sContinue reading “If Love is the Answer”