Kenosis and A Course in Miracles

You must empty yourself of everything, including even the longing for life. You must give up everything, including control over your death. Forget about living and dying, and then forget you forgot about it. You will ask, “what is left? What more do you want of me God? What else can I give?” And thenContinue reading “Kenosis and A Course in Miracles”

The Sixth Principle of A Course in Miracles

Miracles are natural. When they do not occur something has gone wrong (T-1.I.6:1-2). The suggestion that miracles are natural is important. It is an implicit argument against miracles being supernatural. In A Course in Miracles, we do understand miracles to mean walking on water, turning water into wine, or traveling through space and time, ourContinue reading “The Sixth Principle of A Course in Miracles”

The Second Principle of A Course in Miracles

Miracles as such do not matter. The only thing that matters is their Source, which is far beyond evaluation (T-1.I.2:1-2). In A Course in Miracles, atonement corrects the error of mistaken self-identity. We are confused about what we are, and our confusion creates illusions – including the illusion of problems. Atonement is the overall processContinue reading “The Second Principle of A Course in Miracles”