In a sense, to come to stillness is to see clearly that choice is the last illusion. There is nothing to choose between; there is only this: this this. The many choices that appear to us are always various forms of the one choice, which is the choice to remember God or not remember GodContinue reading “Beyond Choice, Love”
Author Archives: Sean
Mid-Summer Notes on Love
I wrote a newsletter today – first in months – about how projection is a denial of the fact that we are creations of God, who is Love, and Who is not mocked. The clarity of this is blinding, and we tend to look away. You can sign up here, if you are interested. AContinue reading “Mid-Summer Notes on Love”
ACIM and Christian Nonduality
The World is Real Imagine you are sitting by a brook. The water is clear and clean. A day or so later, the brook is clouded and full of trash, sluggishly working its way between muddy banks. Then, a day or two after that, it is clear again. In this example, the brook’s cleanliness andContinue reading “ACIM and Christian Nonduality”
Beyond Thinking about Stillness
Stillness does not ask anything of us. Nor can it be misunderstood. It is given totally and unconditionally. Yet if we are thinking about stillness, then we do not know stillness. The problem is not thinking – thinking can be very creative and useful in context. The problem is “about.” “About” comes from an OldContinue reading “Beyond Thinking about Stillness”
Neither Easter nor not Easter
I wrote about defensiveness and its proximity to projection in my newsletter this morning; please feel free to sign up. When I become responsible for defensiveness, I project less, and the less I project, the more love and peace become the salient qualities of our shared living. And, at some point in the happiness thatContinue reading “Neither Easter nor not Easter”
Notes in the Middle of March
I have been thinking lately about my insistence that love assume a certain form in order to actually be love. Jack, my daughter’s blind horse, who I visit each morning with a flake of hay, is teaching me that this is insane. He reminds me that service is the way to end projection, and thusContinue reading “Notes in the Middle of March”