God is Justice because Love is Just. And Love is Just because it knows all Creation as one. It knows all life as equal, which undoes the grounds for different responses. What is one cannot be judged, for it cannot be divided into that which judges and that which is judged. Thus, true Justice is notContinue reading “The End of Lonely Journeys”
Author Archives: Sean
Birds, Coffee and Void: Last Thoughts
But all this is silliness. I enjoy being outdoors in the morning listening to birds. I enjoy the light of dawn: its shy secretive blue, its slow but steady reveal of the world. I love coffee, even bad coffee. No more than all this! And no less either. No mysteries. No secrets. Just this. ThisContinue reading “Birds, Coffee and Void: Last Thoughts”
Listening to Birds with Jesus in the Void
Less poetically. Less biographically. As a matter of experience – lived experience prior to settling into this or that language or mode of expression (science, philosophy, advaita, historical et cetera et cetera et cetera) – what happens when you listen to the birds and to the silence in which their song appears? As an exercise,Continue reading “Listening to Birds with Jesus in the Void”
Coffee and Chores in the Void
In the morning I take my coffee to the barn and sit on a bale of hay. It is still dark though eastern hills bleed pale light. Mid-April but still cold enough to button the old flannel overshirt my father wore. Pull the purple wool cap Chrisoula made down over my ears. Sit shivering inContinue reading “Coffee and Chores in the Void”
Easter Love and Last Steps Home
Ten years ago when my relationship with A Course in Miracles was just beginning, people talked about Gary Renard a lot. Were his ascended masters real? Was he a big liar? It seemed to matter that one take a stand on that question. And lingering behind a lot of the conversations was an implicit longingContinue reading “Easter Love and Last Steps Home”
Hands to Work, Hearts to God
I say not that the body is real or unreal, but that I am not a body, and so the body as such is not really my concern. But what am I then? What is my concern? This is an old question which is amenable to many different answers. If you are reading this, itContinue reading “Hands to Work, Hearts to God”