More on Illusion and Reality

Illusions always arise with respect to a referent: they are compared to what is believed to be real and on the basis of the comparison are found lacking in some fundamental way. That is how we determine whether an object or experience will be labeled “real” or “illusory.” However, at the moment of experience, illusionsContinue reading “More on Illusion and Reality”

On Love, Semantic Preference, Insight and Violets

Hilary Putnam suggests that “What is wrong is that Nature, or ‘physical reality’ in the post-Newtonian understanding of the physical, has no semantic preferences.” That is, there is no one way or right way or best way to speak/write. There are only more or less helpful ways and they are all contingent on context. ThisContinue reading “On Love, Semantic Preference, Insight and Violets”