I sent out a newsletter this morning, ruminating on the garden and how it symbolizes – in an active and useful way – the love and inner peace into which we are all slowly spiraling. Sign up if you like! I am doing some ACIM-specific writing in the form of Facebook Notes, and welcome youContinue reading “Drifting through August . . .”
Author Archives: Sean
Being Happy in and with Uncertainty
There is a domain whose existence we are aware of but the contents of which – for now – remain beyond our ability to know. Hence my commitment to epistemic humility as a spiritual practice. I say “for now” because I cannot rule out the possibility of advances – technological, psychological, et cetera – thatContinue reading “Being Happy in and with Uncertainty”
On Awareness, Doubt, Socratic Dialogue, and Love
As human beings we are aware and we are aware that we are aware and this reflects a single unified awareness. Your awareness of a tree and your awareness of your awareness of a tree are the same awareness. To some people this seems obvious. But I think it’s actually not. We have – asContinue reading “On Awareness, Doubt, Socratic Dialogue, and Love”
Summer 2019 / Notes
One of the tricks to a sustainable writing practice is to change the writing utensil, writing media, writing space. If you write on a computer, write with a pen. If you write in the hay loft, write at the kitchen table. Presently, for reasons that are obscure but pleasing, I have been writing Facebook NotesContinue reading “Summer 2019 / Notes”
Is Now a Moment in Time?
In his essay “Is Now A Moment In Time?” Michel Bitbol talks about “. . . the pure referring ‘now’ from which everything is referred to.” “Everything” is this case refers to time as well. That is, in “the pure referring ‘now’” there is no time; time is also referred to, a signification arising inContinue reading “Is Now a Moment in Time?”
Christ is Given
Christ is given as the light in which Love is remembered, and therefore there is nothing to seek. There is something to accept – to remember – but nothing to seek. It is like Christmas morning. Upon seeing gifts beneath the tree, what do we do? We open them gratefully in the presence of thoseContinue reading “Christ is Given”