Reading A Course in Miracles: The Circle of Atonement

The circle of Atonement is the unified alignment of miracle workers whose shared goal of peace creates “interlocking chain of forgiveness” (T-1.I.25:1) that strengthens both those who are in the circle as well as those are perceived as external to it. Miracles are shifts in thinking, away from fear and towards love. Collectively, these shiftsContinue reading “Reading A Course in Miracles: The Circle of Atonement”

Maturana on Self as Distinction

With respect to the self, Humberto Maturana makes the following observations (in his essay “Biology of Self-Consciousness”): The distinction of the self is an overwhelming experience . . . once it takes place the distinction becomes the referential ground for all other distinctions . . . And perhaps most critically, he observes that the “experience of theContinue reading “Maturana on Self as Distinction”

Lenten Writing: Bird-Shaped Holes

This morning I watched two tufted titmice in the maple tree at the bedroom window. They sipped from icicles on limbs that nearly reached the porch roof which is still laden with snow from recent storms. They were quick and alert, the way it sometimes feels to be happy. They reminded me of the summerContinue reading “Lenten Writing: Bird-Shaped Holes”