Lenten Writing: Living Praxically

Praxis is the way we live the life that is indicated by our study. Study directs our praxis by suggesting certain practices, approaches, methods, strategies. This reflects the clarification and contemplation aspects of our living. Our study directs our praxis but, in turn, praxis informs our study, suggesting new directions, methods and so forth. ForContinue reading “Lenten Writing: Living Praxically”

Sex and A Course in Miracles

This post has a related follow-up The question of how one integrates sex and A Course in Miracles in their living matters. We have the form of sexual beings for whom sex is generative, both in terms of reproduction and happiness. But sex invokes the body on very specific terms which can present a conflictContinue reading “Sex and A Course in Miracles”

On the Inherent Responsiveness of Observers

To be an observer is to be responsive. We can understand our lives as a collective response to a world brought forth by the responsiveness of its observers. This is analogous to the principle in A Course in Miracles that “projection makes perception” (T-13.V.3:5), which gives rise to critical insight that “our function is toContinue reading “On the Inherent Responsiveness of Observers”

On Marianne Williamson for President 2020

I have been asked several times in recent weeks what I think of Marianne Williamson for President 2020. This post offers some thoughts on that, perhaps with more clarity than I’ve managed in person. Williamson’s political career and activism are a helpful model for thinking about A Course in Miracles, politics, social justice and advocatingContinue reading “On Marianne Williamson for President 2020”

The Absence Of Love Means Only That We Are Not Present

When we ask for love, we implictly acknowledge that the conditions we specify as loving are not present. But since love cannot be absent, as it is our fundament, “not present” means that we are not fully or properly in attendance. So the problem is not an external lack – circumstances not aligning in theContinue reading “The Absence Of Love Means Only That We Are Not Present”