Living in Language (Or, Make Apple Crisp, not Apple Crisis)

We live in language. More specifically, we live a self and a world in language. Our spirituality as such does not exist prior to the words we use to bring it about. Hence, giving attention to language is almost always a creative and healing gesture. In an earlier post I wrote the following: The nondualityContinue reading “Living in Language (Or, Make Apple Crisp, not Apple Crisis)”

Living Understanding

How does one live an understanding? Let’s say that to understand something means that we a) are familiar with it, b) are confident in our familiarity and c) are able to extend, or contextualize, that familiarity into other domains. On this view, understanding is basically relational, and affords an overview, or meta-perception, of those elementsContinue reading “Living Understanding”

Point-of-View: God is Love

It can be helpful to observe that our experience of life arises as a point-of-view. We see life from a perspective that is both material (embodied) and cultural (ideal). For example, imagine a pine tree in late December wreathed in red garlands. The tree and its decoration appear as a consequence of your embodied nature,Continue reading “Point-of-View: God is Love”

Existence as Relationship in Love

We exist in relationship and relationship is process. This is in contrast to our prevailing perception of existence which suggests that we are separate entities and that even relationship itself is a separate entity. “I” am “friends” with “you.” Or “you” are “my” “child.” Et cetera. On this “traditional” view, separation abounds. We are partsContinue reading “Existence as Relationship in Love”

On Happy Learners: Shared Remembering is Joy

What kind of learner shall I be today? With whom shall I undertake my study? What will be the standard by which my learning shall be judged either helpful or unhelpful? A Course in Miracles teaches its students that “. . . the essential thing is learning is that you do not know” (T-14.XI.1:1). EverythingContinue reading “On Happy Learners: Shared Remembering is Joy”

On Understanding and Lesson 3 of A Course in Miracles

The third lesson of A Course in Miracles asks us to declare that “I do not understand anything I see . . .” (W-pI.3). I want to say something about this lesson, mostly arising from my own experience of being a course student. Perhaps it will be helpful. As human beings who are social andContinue reading “On Understanding and Lesson 3 of A Course in Miracles”