A lot of the writing I do these days – some of which shows up here, some of which does not, but all of which has as its essence a desire to see more clearly what I think and feel in order to see more clearly thought and feeling arising – has to do withContinue reading “The Going-On Going On”
Author Archives: Sean
Oneness as Human Observer Balancing
Yet ask: if the stories we tell ourselves matter – and they do – then don’t the distinctions we draw (constructivist/realist, believer/atheist, Christian/Buddhist) somehow also matter? After all, they are part of – influential parts of – our stories. Distinctions are inevitable. A human observer cannot help but make distinctions. When we become aware ofContinue reading “Oneness as Human Observer Balancing”
Undoing the Self in Love
When we say “undoing the self,” what is meant is not a physical or material undoing, nor a mystical revelation of heretofore unglimpsed or uncharted realities, but rather that we are simply less wrong about what it means to be a self than before. That’s all. It is a bit like when a child whoContinue reading “Undoing the Self in Love”
Letting Go of Winning in Favor of Bread
Josef Mitterer makes an interesting point here. Discussing the longstanding tension between constructivists and realists, and how the two groups view science, he notes the following. Whether scientists see themselves as Realists or rather as Constructivists depends above all on which philosophy (of science) is in fashion. There is no indication that realist-oriented scientists areContinue reading “Letting Go of Winning in Favor of Bread”
Service, Sustainability and . . . Bags
I talk often about service. What happens when we realize there is no God and that others aren’t here for us to compete with but to share with? Not to take from but to give to? What happens we no longer perceive our selves as separate from the collective? Well, love, broadly speaking. And serviceContinue reading “Service, Sustainability and . . . Bags”
Letting Up The Stranglehold On “Our” Reality
It is helpful to see that the apparently unified world we perceive – and in which we do all our living and loving – conforms to the observer that we are. It does not include what we cannot perceive or cognize; what we perceive and cognize is constrained by the organism we are. These constraintsContinue reading “Letting Up The Stranglehold On “Our” Reality”