The first paragraph in Sharing Perception with the Holy Spirit (in chapter 14: Teaching for Truth of A Course in Miracles) is a concise and insightful unit of writing. It begins with a simple question: What do you want? (T-14.VII.1:1) Tara Singh used to say that when one reached a moment in the ACIM textContinue reading “Merging Opposites as Spiritual Practice”
Author Archives: Sean
Empathy and A Course in Miracles
I have become curious lately: when I am judgmental towards another (angry, fearful, vengeful et cetera), why that and not empathy? That is, when someone is behaving in a way that offends or troubles me, why do I see only the misbehaving other? Why do I not see myself? When I am judgmental in aContinue reading “Empathy and A Course in Miracles”
ACIM Drama: A Pep Talk
When I briefly explored one-to-one teaching of A Course in Miracles a few years ago, I found that people were not really interested in the course so much as they wanted strategies for dealing with what was coming up in their lives. Questions about work, family, health, psychological wellness . . . I thought itContinue reading “ACIM Drama: A Pep Talk”
Forgetfulness and A Course in Miracles
To remember is merely to restore to your mind what is already there (T-10.II.3:1). This is an important concept, integral to practicing A Course in Miracles. We aren’t really learning anything – as in acquiring missing information in order to reassemble a puzzle. We are simply remembering what we know but forgot. Yet I wantContinue reading “Forgetfulness and A Course in Miracles”
Helpful Spiritual Junctures
For a long time I wanted to be right about A Course in Miracles. Eventually, this desire was superseded by the recognition that what actually mattered was helpfulness. If studying Gary Renard was helpful to someone, what did it matter if I thought he was peddling lies? A focus on helpfulness is sustainable because inContinue reading “Helpful Spiritual Junctures”
Life Requires No Rehearsal
Life does not require rehearsal: it executes itself perfectly continuously, never pausing to reconsider, never begging a do-over. This does not mean that our response will always be one of pleasure or amusement or enjoyment; it might be the opposite. But our response is just more of life happening: whatever label we assign it, it’sContinue reading “Life Requires No Rehearsal”