One thing about the present moment is its fullness – which is also a kind of emptiness. Everything is there and nothing is there. There is only thing in the present moment and it has no name and yet everyone knows what it is. You can’t carry anything into the present. It is fascinating toContinue reading “Stillness and Presence”
Author Archives: Sean
Humility and Uncertainty: A Course in Miracles
Yet the essential thing is learning that you do not know (T-14.XI.1:1). To be a student of A Course in Miracles is in part to embrace humility and in part to develop a tolerance for uncertainty. It is not only these things, but these things help. They can buttress a spiritual practice that is bentContinue reading “Humility and Uncertainty: A Course in Miracles”
Present Moment Awareness and A Course in Miracles
Generally we conflate inner peace with a good feeling – an ideal personal experience. It’s subjective, meaning it happens to us – it’s our experience of being. We have it. A lot of us know intellectually that’s an inaccurate representation, but underneath it remains a powerful belief. It’s part of the working algorithm of ourContinue reading “Present Moment Awareness and A Course in Miracles”
A Quiet Mind Wants Nothing
The memory of God comes to the quiet mind (T-23.I.1:1). There are many ways that we can define this use of “quiet” in A Course in Miracles, but for the moment let’s say that it is a mind that is free of “want.” Can we imagine this? There are two helpful definitions of “want.” The moreContinue reading “A Quiet Mind Wants Nothing”
The Experience of Inner Peace
“There is no answer; only an experience” (C-In.4:4). That lovely line – all of seven words – is found in the introduction to the Clarification of Terms in A Course in Miracles. Its simplicity underscores an important tenet of the course: it is a deeply practical curriculum that aims at an experience of inner peaceContinue reading “The Experience of Inner Peace”
Atonement and Total Committment
The Atonement is a total commitment (T-2.II.7:1). We don’t want to mistake those words – especially the phrase “total commitment” – for a kind of rallying cry. This is not Jesus in the role of a coach exhorting us to “give our all” or “leave nothing on the field.” He is not saying – norContinue reading “Atonement and Total Committment”