The sin of Lucifer was called pride but in reality it was a simple error, a common mistake of thought to which we are all of us beholden: the psychological premise that what we are in truth is separate from what God is and that what God is is given unequally and that we areContinue reading “Lucifer’s Error”
Author Archives: Sean
ACIM and the Perennial Philosophy
I have been lately suggesting – thinking out loud, really – that A Course in Miracles is a particular expression of the perennial philosophy that may or may not be helpful as one works their way back toward God. In his book of the same title, Aldous Huxley defined the perennial philosophy as the metaphysicContinue reading “ACIM and the Perennial Philosophy”
Thought, Awareness and the Ability to Comprehend
Spring gesticulated; fell back. So it goes in March: one day you’re jacketless and whistling back at Robins, the next you’re watching gusts of wind blow thin streams of snow beneath the back door. The chickens huddle in beds of straw and the dog looks back at you, as if to say: really? Even inContinue reading “Thought, Awareness and the Ability to Comprehend”
Why I Switched to a Creative Commons License
Earlier this week I shifted the license on this website from a traditional copyright to a Creative Commons license, specifically an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. My reasons for doing this are important, and I want to share them. I’ve been aware of Creative Commmons licenses for some time and, in spirit, I have always preferredContinue reading “Why I Switched to a Creative Commons License”
The Death of Specialness
As our study and practice of A Course in Miracles continues, our sense of ourselves as “special” begins to erode. This can take many forms – we are more patient with others, we laugh more readily at our “mistakes,” we don’t sweat the little things so much – but at some point it is alwaysContinue reading “The Death of Specialness”
The Ego’s War with God
Another way to think about the ego is that it is a belief which attempts to usurp those creative functions that belong to God. We could say that the ego is a maker of illusions that aspires to be a Creator of reality or truth and it does so by trying to overthrow God. TheContinue reading “The Ego’s War with God”