I was walking with a friend recently, snowy back roads at twilight. While our spiritual paths are different, our general sense of what it means to be spiritual – what the goals are, what the work is, what the results are – is quite similar. Our talks are almost always fruitful. We were talking aboutContinue reading “About Calling It A Course in Miracles . . .”
Author Archives: Sean
On Gratitude and Reverence
I have been thinking of Tara Singh’s reverence for Helen Schucman, the scribe of A Course in Miracles. He was not confusing her with God, nor implying she was special in the sense of deserving a pedestal or medal. Rather, he was deeply grateful to her, and he was not afraid of gratitude’s expression. Taraji oftenContinue reading “On Gratitude and Reverence”
The Divine Flux
Ideals are a form of violence in that they obscure truth and thus sustain misperception. They are fantasies whose impressive pedigrees – world peace! The end of hunger! – serve only to reinforce the illusion that what we are in truth and what God is are not only separate but are separated by a divideContinue reading “The Divine Flux”
On Loving the Intellect
In a footnote in Up from Eden, Ken Wilber observes that one element of his reservations about Hegel – who he otherwise considers a “towering genius” combining “transcendent insight with mental genius” – is that Hegel had no yoga, no “reproducible technique of transcendence” (638, 641). To me, that is an interesting criticism. It suggestsContinue reading “On Loving the Intellect”
On Ken Wapnick
So Kenneth Wapnick has died. I’ve tried to write about Ken many times since I started this blog and it never works out (UPDATE: this post and this post both go into my experience of Ken and Tara Singh as “teachers”). My feelings about Ken were always complicated, even as they increasingly leaned towards gratitudeContinue reading “On Ken Wapnick”
Learning in Bodies
We have the structure of human beings living in the world with other human beings, and other forms of life with their own unique structures. That is the physical context in which we encounter A Course in Miracles. Thus, our learning takes place in bodies and has as part of its subject those very bodies.Continue reading “Learning in Bodies”