On Practicing A Course in Miracles

Recently, Scott Britton and I talked about A Course in Miracles. You can read his post and listen to our conversation on Itunes, Spotify, or Youtube. Talking to Scott reminded me that no matter how much theorizing we do about the Course – and spirituality generally – we still need praxis. We still need to bring it into application. A CourseContinue reading “On Practicing A Course in Miracles”

ACIM and the Enemy of Inner Peace

1 Earlier this week I wrote about the “problem” of evil. Here I want to go deeper into it, but from the perspective of having enemies. Many ACIM students, when asked to make a list of their enemies, demur. “All men are my brothers.” “I’m a lover, not a hater.” They obey a voice insideContinue reading “ACIM and the Enemy of Inner Peace”

A Course in Miracles: What is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is a way of thinking that A Course in Miracles posits as both the ego’s opposite and the ego’s undoing. Like ego, the Holy Spirit is experienced as a voice which both interprets experience and makes suggestions about how to respond to experience. However, listening to it rather than to ego producesContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: What is the Holy Spirit?”

Homesteading and ACIM

I would like to write about my experience of homesteading – raising one’s own food and the relationships that entails – and how it relates to what A Course in Miracles calls the “Happy Dream.” Pictures are just random, “around the place and around our lives” kind of thing. Chrisoula and I have constructed overContinue reading “Homesteading and ACIM”