A Course in Miracles: Beyond the Body

The experience of being embodied is always painful. This is not a criticism of the body; it is a statement about what we are in truth and how our confusion about our identity causes us to suffer by conflating “true self” with a body. Critically, this suffering cannot be mitigated in a body or byContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: Beyond the Body”

Life Hacks and A Course in Miracles

There is nothing wrong with wanting a better body, more money, wilder and more vivid sensual experiences, awesome health, unbridled optimism. Part of being a body – and part of being a separate self – means wanting those things. It is those things. It’s just that those things don’t exist and so, in the ultimateContinue reading “Life Hacks and A Course in Miracles”

A Course in Miracles: Level Confusion

Have your being outside this body of birth and death and all your problems will be solved. They exist because you believe yourself born to die. Undeceive yourself and be free. You are not a person.~ Nisargadatta Although the phrase would have been alien to him, Nisargadatta is talking about level confusion here. Level confusionContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: Level Confusion”

A Course in Miracles: The Escape from Darkness

We live in a state of self-imposed exile from God’s Love. It hurts; there is a better way. Are we ready to accept that way and go home? A Course in Miracles is a way to undo the effects of our supposed descent into fear. It helpfully frames this undoing – this journey from darknessContinue reading “A Course in Miracles: The Escape from Darkness”