Make this year different by making it all the same (T-15.XI.10:11). I want to distinguish between oneness and sameness. What is one has no parts that can be compared and found the same or different to any degree. What is the same is separate but identical and thus equal. In the world in which youContinue reading “ACIM: Making it All the Same”
Category Archives: A Course in Miracles
On Bodies, Separation and Love
Right now you are not with me. The hayloft is empty, save for my trestle table and chair, shelf upon shelf spilling with books. It’s quiet here but for chickens clucking below the window. I am alone, writing this. And what I write you will read later, in the privacy of your own space, whichContinue reading “On Bodies, Separation and Love”
Fear and Love and Teachers of A Course in Miracles
I want to briefly follow up this post about teaching A Course in Miracles with a note going deeper into my study of Ken Wapnick and Tara Singh, both of whom functioned as formal primary ACIM teachers. Particularly, I want to criticize them and then explain how criticism is not fatal to love or gratitude.Continue reading “Fear and Love and Teachers of A Course in Miracles”
On War and A Course in Miracles
Given the state of the world – especially with respect to its diverse and vivid potential for sustained & catastrophic violence – it is helpful to revisit some basic principles of how one lives in a chaotic dysfunctional world when one is a student of A Course in Miracles. A primary metaphysical assertion of AContinue reading “On War and A Course in Miracles”
Notes on Choosing an ACIM Teacher
You have no problems, though you think you have (T-26.II.3:3). I want to point out two approaches to learning and teaching A Course in Miracles. Neither is right or wrong in an absolute sense. Nor do they comprise all possible teaching methods. But they can be more or less helpful (which is a relative, notContinue reading “Notes on Choosing an ACIM Teacher”
After A Course in Miracles
Ultimately, A Course in Miracles points beyond itself, as all “solutions” and “methods” and “paths,” spiritual and otherwise, must. I say “must . . .” What I mean is, in this life as “I” have lived and observed it, all solutions, methods and paths have pointed beyond themselves. From that consistency I infer a law,Continue reading “After A Course in Miracles”